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SENS Research Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to advancing the field of regenerative medicine and extending the healthy human lifespan. The organization was founded in 2009 by Dr. Aubrey de Grey, a renowned biomedical gerontologist, and his colleagues. SENS stands for Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence, which is a comprehensive approach to addressing the underlying causes of aging. SENS Research Foundation is focused on developing and promoting regenerative medicine technologies that can repair and replace damaged tissues and organs in the body. The organization's research is centered around seven major areas of focus, including cell loss and tissue atrophy, extracellular matrix stiffening, cellular senescence, mitochondrial mutations, intracellular aggregates, extracellular aggregates, and cancer. The organization's research is aimed at developing therapies that can reverse the damage caused by aging and restore the body's natural regenerative capacity. SENS Research Foundation is also committed to educating the public about the potential benefits of regenerative medicine and the importance of supporting research in this field. One of the key initiatives of SENS Research Foundation is the SENS Research Foundation Research Center, which is located in Mountain View, California. The research center is home to a team of scientists and researchers who are working to develop new regenerative medicine technologies and therapies. The center is also a hub for collaboration and innovation, bringing together experts from a wide range of fields to work together on cutting-edge research projects. In addition to its research initiatives, SENS Research Foundation also hosts conferences and events to promote the field of regenerative medicine and raise awareness about the potential benefits of this technology. The organization also provides funding and support for other research projects in the field of regenerative medicine. Overall, SENS Research Foundation is a leading organization in the field of regenerative medicine, dedicated to advancing the science of aging and developing new therapies to extend the healthy human lifespan. Through its research, education, and advocacy initiatives, the organization is helping to pave the way for a healthier, more vibrant future for all of us.

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